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If you have a website we at Ancona Insurance would like to help you earn money by becoming a member of our increasingly popular Affiliate Program.

By placing a link on your site, any of your visitors that become our customers through this link will bring you commission on all sales.

To be an affiliate is absolutely FREE - we pay commission on every sale which is referred to us from your site.

You can be signed up and earning money from our Affiliate Program within minutes. Once registered we provide you with a unique affiliate ID and one line of html code that you require to link to our site.

How? -

1. Choose a banner by click the 'radio button' next to the banner.

2. Fill in all information and the URL where you plan to put your banner (the banner will function anywhere, but it helps us to monitor activity). Make sure your email address is entered correctly and the HTML code you need to add to your page is sent to your email address.

3. Click on the Sign-Up button. The code you need to add to your page will be emailed to you after processing for your individual account id. Make sure you do not alter the code in any way; changing it could result in someone else receiving credit.

4. Add the received code to your webpage and upload your new page. Try clicking on the banner once to make sure it works.

Please select one of the 3 style below
If you prefer to use your image or text then that's fine by us!

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